




Atlanta native Dan Dixon has been a fixture in the independent music scene for years now, whether he was behind the board at his recording studio or on stage fronting the devilishly brilliant indie rock band PLS PLS. 

After disbanding his well loved band Dropsonic, Dixon continued to feed his need to create. Towards the the tail end of Dropsonic’s existence Dixon had starting working on an electronic rock project dubbed PLS PLS (pronounced Please Please) the music conjures heady electronic-laced future rock anthems. Collecting five stand-out tracks, Dixon put them together for the band’s debut release, cleverly titled EP EP. “I had already started writing songs for PLS PLS around the time Dropsonic released VI. The live version of the band came together about a year ago. Currently, I’ve got Derek Murphy on drums, Mike Boutte on guitar, Andre Griffin on keys, and the mighty Dave Chase, formerly of Dropsonic, on bass. Not a bad crew, if I do say so.” With a new band in tow PLS PLS’ debut album spans musical styles from the ’60s Wall of Sound to ’70s rock to ’80s dance to future pop. “It’s a more expansive sound. The idea being that you can get lost in it as opposed to being attacked by it, like so much of the music I grew up with. The older I get, the more I want music to invite me in rather than beat me into submission.” The multi-instrumentalist took these songs and took charge; he wrote and played everything (with the exception of drums) and of course produced LP LP. “If you love it or hate it, you can blame me for it entirely. I just really needed to hear something different to inspire myself to keep writing.” The gamble of change is already paying off for Dixon and PLS PLS; they have found success in the movies with “Here Come the Wolves” and “60’s Love Song” featured in the Magnolia Pictures’ horror sensation “V/H/S.” What started as a recording project and songwriting outlet for Dixon has grown into a “pretty bitching live band” for Dixon and PLS PLS. The bands new album LP LP will be released on El Camino Media in October of this year. “What we do next is dictated by whatever seems warranted,” Dixon said. “ If touring seems advantageous, then we’ll tour; if not, then we won’t. I do think the days of building a following by slugging it out in clubs for years and sleeping in your van ended a while ago.”



